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Archived Comments for: The effect of a low-fat, plant-based lifestyle intervention (CHIP) on serum HDL levels and the implications for metabolic syndrome status – a cohort study

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  1. Question the conclusion not HDL predictive value

    eric anderson, retired

    29 November 2013

    1) 30 days is a very short time
    2) The reduction of sugar can explain most if not all of what seem better lab results. (Be honest)
    3) Where does the conclusion to question the use of HDL come from? Some type of more direct disclosure to a bias for vegetarian or low animal protein diets seem lacking.
    4) maybe the ketogenic diet results after 30 days or 5 years can be used as a more enlightening and scientific referance point? Ketogenic (High fat and low Carbohydrate) produce better lab results
    5) Does the author or authors think the CHIP diet vs non CHIP diet has one result for low HDL for CHIP followers and another for non CHIP followers? Where is the evidence?

    I have no financial interest in this. I would ask for a full disclosure of the authors ties and background to vegetarian or vegan leaning groups, beliefs, and organizations.

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