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Table 1 Effect of 12 wk α-tocopherol supplementation (E+) or restriction (E-) on α-tocopherol concentrations in plasma and tissue of rats1,2,3

From: Extrahepatic tissue concentrations of vitamin K are lower in rats fed a high vitamin E diet


E+ (100 mg all-rac-α-tocopherol)

Control (30 mg all-rac-α-tocopherol)

E- (<10 mg total tocopherol)


n = 10

n = 13

n = 10

Plasma (μmol/L)

36 ± 6.0

20 ± 1.2

< 1.0

Liver (nmol/g protein)

2.08 ± 0.08

0.68 ± 0.04

0.007 ± 0.0005

Kidney (nmol/g protein)

1.97 ± 0.51

1.41 + 0.55


Brain (nmol/g protein)

1.90 ± 1.19

1.29 ± 0.29

0.59 ± 0.19

Testis (nmol/g protein)

1.19 ± 0.06

1.00 ± 0.06

0.026 ± 0.002

  1. 1All 3 diets contained 460 μg phylloquinone/kg of diet
  2. 2Plasma and tissue α-tocopherol in the E+ group are higher than those in the Control and E- groups (P ≤ 0.05)
  3. 3Values are mean ± SEM
  4. 4Not detectable