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Table 4 Correlation coefficients between calcium, vitamin D and obesity-related phenotypes at baseline (n = 870)

From: The effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on obesity in postmenopausal women: secondary analysis for a large-scale, placebo controlled, double-blind, 4-year longitudinal clinical trial







Dietary Ca Intake






Habitual Ca Suppl.






Total Ca Intake





Vitamin D

Habitual Vit D Suppl.






Serum 25(OH)D





  1. Note: *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01.
  2. BMI: body mass index; TrF: trunk fat; TrL: trunk lean; PTrF: percentage of trunk fat.
  3. In the data analysis, the selected subjects in Table 1 were pooled together at baseline. Correlation coefficients were calculated by Pearson correlation.