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Table 1 Distinction in the Clinical Versus Genetic Nomenclature of Familial Hypercholesterolemia

From: Familial Hypercholesterolemia: The Lipids or the Genes?

Genetically (Genotype)


Homozygous for a mutation in one of the candidate genesa known to cause FH

Combined Heterozygous

Heterozygous for two different mutations in the same or different candidate genes known to cause FH


Heterozygous for a mutation in one of the candidate genes known to cause FH


No causative mutation could be detected after screening all candidate genes known to cause FH

Clinically (Phenotype)


LDL-C levels that are three to four times the normal and externalb or cardiovascularc manifestations of FH


Elevated LDL-C levels that do not exceed three times the normal


LDL-C levels that are three to four times the normal and with no external or cardiovascular manifestations of FH


Normal to slightly elevated LDL-C levels with external or cardiovascular manifestations of FH

  1. a Candidate genes include LDLR, ApoB, PCSK9, and ARH/LDLRAP1
  2. b External manifestations means one or more of tendinous xanthomas, xanthelasmas, or corneal arcus
  3. c Cardiovascular manifestations means the presence of premature cardiovascular disease as judged clinically