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Table 1 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of the participants from the CURES study

From: Interaction between FTO gene variants and lifestyle factors on metabolic traits in an Asian Indian population

Clinical and biochemical parameters

Type 2 diabetic subjects (T2DM)

Normal glucose tolerance subjects (NGT)

P value*





(N = 407)

(N = 327)

(N = 509)

(N = 375)

Age (yrs)

49.59 ± 10.49

50.74 ± 11.47

36.25 ± 11.21

36.54 ± 11.70


BMI (Kg/m2)

26.33 ± 4.37

24.49 ± 3.94

23.57 ± 5.09

22.74 ± 4.25


WC (cm)

90.08 ± 9.95

92.11 ± 9.93

80.76 ± 12.43

83.81 ± 11.85


Obese cases (%)

243.00 (60.00)

139.00 (42.50)

179.00 (35.20)

110.00 (29.40)


Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl)

165.42 ± 73.22

155.71 ± 61.52

84.47 ± 8.36

84.71 ± 8.14


Fasting serum insulin (μIU/ml)

12.68 ± 7.62

10.61 ± 6.95

8.48 ± 5.98

7.48 ± 4.88


Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

129.91 ± 21.82

128.11 ± 21.72

114.25 ± 17.54

116.25 ± 15.60


Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

76.54 ± 12.07

78.03 ± 11.73

71.25 ± 11.38

74.28 ± 11.52


Total serum cholesterol (mg/dl)

209.21 ± 43.71

193.66 ± 39.34

173.35 ± 35.15

171.99 ± 35.91


Fasting serum triglycerides (mg/dl)

179.10 ± 118.48

189.25 ± 145.81

100.88 ± 53.71

123.67 ± 70.97


HDL cholesterol (mg/dl)

43.68 ± 9.76

39.05 ± 8.66

45.47 ± 9.80

40.10 ± 9.49


LDL cholesterol (mg/dl)

131.76 ± 36.19

120.93 ± 33.66

107.90 ± 30.17

107.47 ± 29.78


Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)

8.65 ± 2.39

8.76 ± 2.32

5.54 ± 0.50

5.55 ± 0.49


PAL [Sedentary (%); Moderate (%); Vigorous (%)]

263 (77.10); 76 (22.30); 2 (0.60)

193 (46.80); 60 (20.10); 45 (15.10)

362 (80.80); 80 (17.90); 6 (1.30)

240 (64.70); 112 (30.20); 19 (5.10)


Total Carbohydrate energy %

65.50 ± 5.43

64.08 ± 6.27

64.60 ± 5.89

63.09 ± 6.84


Fat energy %

23.23 ± 4.51

23.58 ± 4.76

23.81 ± 4.79

23.88 ± 4.65


Protein energy %

11.47 ± 1.20

11.43 ± 1.25

11.25 ± 1.12

11.35 ± 1.25


Energy adjusted glycemic index

62.76 ± 0.14

62.16 ± 0.18

62.94 ± 0.12

62.65 ± 0.14


Energy adjusted glycemic load

233.52 ± 1.64

226.12 ± 2.40

231.63 ± 1.74

224.32 ± 0.36


Dietary fibre (g)

28.62 ± 0.54

34.91 ± 0.69

29.84 ± 0.42

35.73 ± 0.56


  1. NGT, Normal Glucose Tolerance; BMI, Body Mass Index; WC, Waist Circumference; HDL, High Density Lipoproteins; LDL, Low Density Lipoproteins; PAL, Physical Activity Level
  2. Data shown are represented as means ± SD, wherever appropriate
  3. *P values for the differences in the means/proportions between Type 2 diabetes cases and NGT participants