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Fig. 3 | Nutrition & Metabolism

Fig. 3

From: Lipid overload during gestation and lactation can independently alter lipid homeostasis in offspring and promote metabolic impairment after new challenge to high-fat diet

Fig. 3

Maternal HFD consumption at gestation period leads newborn offspring to altered miRNAs and lipid metabolism-related gene expression. Body weight (a), lee index of obesity (LIO) (b), serum lipids (CHOL and TAG - c), fasting glucose (d) and serum insulin (e), mRNA levels (qRT-PCR) of hepatic Cpt1a and Acadvl (f), and Agpat and Gpam (g), microRNA level (qRT-PCR) of hepatic miR-122 and miR-370 (h) from newborn offspring from C and H groups. Correlation analysis between hepatic miR-122 from d0 offspring vs. serum NEFA (i) and TAG (j) from dams. For relative gene expression analysis, β-Actin and U6snRNA were used as endogenous controls. Values are means (n = 5–12) + - SEM. Student's t-test was used in all analyses to compare C and H groups. Different letters indicate statistical significance between groups (p ≤ 0.05)

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