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Table 5 Minutes per 24 h and energy expenditure in six activity categoriesa calculated using published [7] and modifiedb MET-valuesc

From: MET-values of standardised activities in relation to body fat: studies in pregnant and non-pregnant women

Activity category

Minutes per 24 h

Published MET-values

Modified MET-values

Energy expenditure calculated using published MET-values (kJ)d

Energy expenditure calculated using modified MET-values (kJ)d


458 ± 61



1557 ± 299

1557 ± 299

Very light

446 ± 250


1.23 ± 0.06e

2285 ± 1216

2022 ± 1076f


300 ± 219



2803 ± 2264

2803 ± 2264


187 ± 178


3.53 ± 0.18g

2140 ± 2080

2535 ± 2480h


41 ± 47


5.54 ± 0.3i

690 ± 790

849 ± 979h

Very vigorous

8 ± 14


10.4 ± 0.53j

232 ± 451

292 ± 563k

Total per 24 h



9710 ± 2110l

10,060 ± 2660m

  1. BMR, Basal metabolic rate, TEE Total energy expenditure, MET Metabolic equivalent of task
  2. a Based on information in a questionnaire recording the physical activity pattern during 14 days of 23 non-pregnant healthy Swedish women as described in subjects and methods and in [22]; b Each women was given a modified MET-value which represented a MET-value predicted from her body fat content (%) using the appropriate equation in Table 4 except for sleeping and the light activity categories where the modified MET-values were equal to the published MET-values, i.e. 0.9 (sleeping) and 2.4 (light activity) for all women; c Values are means ± standard deviations; d Calculated using the appropriate MET-value multiplied by the BMR of the women during the time period when the particular activity was performed; e Obtained using eq. 1 in Table 4; f Significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the corresponding value obtained using published MET-values, assessed using paired t-test; g Obtained using eq. 4 in Table 4; h Significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the corresponding value obtained using published MET-values, assessed using paired t-test; i Obtained using eq. 5 in Table 4; j Obtained using eq. 6 in Table 4; k Significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the corresponding value obtained using published MET-values, assessed using a paired non-parametric test (Wilcoxon); l 800 ± 1800 kJ/24 h lower (p < 0.05) than TEE, estimated using doubly labelled water [22], assessed using paired t-test; m 450 ± 2270 kJ/24 h lower (p > 0.05) than TEE, estimated using doubly labelled water [22], assessed using paired t-test