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Table 3 Food intake of participants

From: The comparison of water intake patterns and hydration biomarkers among young adults with different hydration statuses in Hebei, China


OH (n = 58)

MH (n = 72)

HH (n = 26)


Male (n = 19)

Female (n = 39)

Total (n = 58)

Male (n = 44)

Female (n = 28)

Total (n = 72)

Male (n = 17)

Female (n = 9)

Total (n = 26)

Food intake (g)

1735 (420)

1395 (411)

1537 (510)

1814 (481)

1307 (356)

1588 (544)

1710 (651)

1099 (150)

1357 (788)

Staple food (g)

686 (252)

436 (164)

514 (246)

696 (161)

464 (214)

606 (254)

649 (251)

383 (104)

530 (275)

Dishes (g)

852 (243)

627 (275)

736 (284)

840 (278)

668 (245)

759 (228)

761 (321)

463 (271)

724 (376)

Porridge (g)

129 (169)

194 (228)

160 (222)

95 (138)

107 (169)

105 (134)

59 (197)

49 (95)

52 (161)

Soup (g)

66 (192)

73 (193)

73 (192)

179 (239)

93 (171)

116 (211)

118 (259)

110 (298)

114 (284)

  1. Values are shown as the median (M) and quartile ranges (Q). The differences of the amounts of food intake were compared using the method of Kruskal–Wallis H test among the three groups, both in males and females
  2. The amounts of food intake, staple food, dishes, porridge did not differ significantly among the three groups (χ2 = 3.223, P = 0.200; χ2 = 5.319, P = 0.070; χ2 = 4.540, P = 0.103; χ2 = 4.030, P = 0.133), while, the intakes of soup were significantly (χ2 = 10.891, P = 0.004). When compared the three groups with each other, the intake of soup was higher in OH group than MH group and HH group (χ2 = 22.915, P = 0.012; χ2 = 28.406, P = 0.023), and no significant differences were found in the intake of soup between MH group and HH group (χ2 = 5.492, P = 1.000). There were no significant differences were found in the amounts of food intake, staple food, dishes, porridge and soup among the three groups in males (χ2 = 0.877, P = 0.645; χ2 = 1.688, P = 0.430; χ2 = 2.658, P = 0.265; χ2 = 1.311, P = 0.519; χ2 = 3.976, P = 0.137). There were no significant differences were found in the amounts of staple food, dishes and soup among the three groups in females (χ2 = 2.727, P = 0.256; χ2 = 4.332, P = 0.115; χ2 = 0.722, P = 0.697). The amounts of the food intake and porridge were significantly different among the three groups in females (χ2 = 9.219, P = 0.010; χ2 = 9.677, P = 0.008). In the amounts of the intake of food, the intake of OH group was higher than that of HH group (χ2 = 6.701, P = 0.029); MH group was higher than that of HH group (χ2 = 6.708, P = 0.029), and no significant differences were found between OH and MH groups (χ2 = 0.787, P = 1.000). In the intake of porridge, OH group was higher than that of MH group (χ2 = 6.701, P = 0.029), but with no significant differences with MH group (χ2 = 3.528, P = 0.181); MH group did not differ significantly with HH group (χ2 = 1.117, P = 0.872)