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Table 1 Equations of the estimated and measured 24-h urinary iodine excretion

From: Is the urinary iodine/creatinine ratio applicable to assess short term individual iodine status in Chinese adults? Comparison of iodine estimates from 24-h urine and timed-spot urine samples in different periods of the day




Iodine: creatinine ratio (μg/g)


UIC (μg/L) / UCr (g/L)

Measured 24-h urine iodine excretion (μg/d)

Measured 24hUIE

24hUIC (μg/L) × 24 h urine (L)

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion1 (μg/d)

Estimated 24 h UIE1

I/Cr (μg/g) × Pr24hCr (g/d)

Pr24hCr (g/d) = 24hUCr (g/L) × 24 h urine (L)

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion2 (μg/d) (Tanaka T, et al.[31])

Estimated 24 h UIE2

I/Cr (μg/g) × Pr24hCr (g/d)

Pr24hCr (mg/d) = [(− 2.04 × age (year)] + [(14.89 × weight

(kg)] + [16.14 × height (cm)]—2244.45

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion3 (μg/d) (Kawasaki T, et al.[32])

Estimated 24 h UIE3

I/Cr (μg/g) × Pr24hCr (g/d)


Pr24hCr (mg/d) = [− 12.63 × age (year)] + [15.12 × weight

(kg)] + [7.39 × height (cm)]—79.9


Pr24hCr (mg/d) = [− 4.72 × age (year)] + [8.58 × weight (kg)]

+ [5.09 × height (cm)]—74.5

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion4 (μg/d) (Mage, et al.[33])

Estimated 24 h UIE4

I/Cr (μg/g) × Pr24hCr (g/d)


Pr24hCr (mg/d) = 0.00179 × [140—age (year)] × [weight

(kg)1.5 × height (cm)0.5] × [1 + 0.18 × A × [1.366–0.0159 ×

BMI (kg/m2)].


Pr24hCr (mg/d) = 0.00163 × [140—age (year)] × [weight

(kg)1.5 × height (cm)0.5] × [1 + 0.18 × A × [1.429–0.0198 ×

BMI (kg/m2)]; where A is African American or black race = 1,

other race = 0

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion5 (μg/d) (Knudsen N, et al.[27])

Estimated 24 h UIE5

I/Cr (μg/g) × Pr24hCr (g/d)


pr24hCr (g/d) = 1.74 g (25–49 years), 1.63 g (50–59 years)


pr24hCr (g/d) = 1.23 g (25–49 years), 1.15 g (50–59 years)

Estimated 24-h urine iodine excretion6 (µg/d) (IOM[34])

Estimated 24 h UIE6

iodine excretion (µg/d) = 0.9 × iodine intake (µg/d)

iodine intake (µg/d) = spot UIC (µg/L)/ 0.92 × (0.0009 L · h−1

· kg−1 · 24 h · d−1) × weight (kg)

  1. I, Iodine; Cr, creatinine; UIC, urinary iodine concentration; UIE, urine iodine excretion; Pr24hCr, 24-h creatinine prediction
  2. Stepwise forward linear regression analysis was used to model the Estimated 24 h UIE2
  3. Regression analysis a regression equation was used to model the Estimated 24 h UIE3
  4. Body surface area (BSA) was used to model the Estimated 24 h UIE4
  5. The data from a large Belgian population study was used to model the Estimated 24 h UIE5
  6. The Iowa State University method was used to model the Estimated 24 h UIE6