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Fig. 3 | Nutrition & Metabolism

Fig. 3

From: Vascular lipidomics analysis reveales increased levels of phosphocholine and lysophosphocholine in atherosclerotic mice

Fig. 3

UHPLC-Q Exactive MS-based lipidomics analysis. A Lipid intensity distribution of the QC samples. The Y coordinate is the log10 value of the mass spectrum intensity. B PLS-DA analysis performed the optimization separated between ND and HFD groups. C Permutation analysis. R2x (cum) and R2y (cum) represent the cumulative interpretation rate of the model in the x-axis and y-axis directions, respectively. Cum represents the accumulation of several principal components. Q2 (cum) represents the cumulative prediction rate of the model. The value (green) of all Q2 on the left is lower than the initial value on the right, which shows that the model is effective. D Splot analysis of OPLS-DA. The characteristic value of the influence of lipids on the comparison group was taken as the abscissa of the Splot, while the correlation between the sample score and lipids was taken as the ordinate. PLS-DA, partial least squares discrimination analysis; OPLS-DA, orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis; ND, normal diet; HFD, high-fat diet

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