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Table 2 Pre and post-meal plasma insulin, glucose and C-peptide of rats consuming a CHO or PRO diet for 10d1

From: Increased ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein shifts the focus of metabolic signaling from skeletal muscle to adipose

Plasma Measures


Postmeal3 30 min

Postmeal3 60 min

Postmeal3 90 min

Postmeal3 120 min

Glucose (mmol/L)†



6.61 ± 0.16*

9.71 ± 0.20

7.38 ± 0.25*

8.18 ± 0.33*

8.44 ± 0.51


6.00 ± 0.12

9.35 ± 0.18

11.29 ± 0.66

9.74 ± 0.52

8.26 ± 0.41

Insulin (pmol/L)



99.58 ± 13.65

444.81 ± 80.68

342.33 ± 32.80*

480.82 ± 75.48

396.89 ± 84.70


93.43 ± 13.66

407.58 ± 92.28

518.35 ± 61.58

544.23 ± 101.69

520.28 ± 103.55

C-peptide (nmol/L)†



0.68 ± 0.06

2.52 ± 0.12

2.10 ± 0.10*

2.43 ± 0.15

1.93 ± 0.15


0.69 ± 0.05

2.59 ± 0.15

2.96 ± 0.08

2.65 ± 0.09

2.38 ± 0.05

  1. 1Values are ± SEM, n = 6
  2. 2Following 12 h food deprivation
  3. 3Samples collected 30, 60, 90 and 120 min following 4 g meal
  4. * < 0.05 between diet
  5. † < 0.05 diet x time interaction