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Table 6 Metabolic parameters from WT and MKR mice at baseline, and after 2 weeks of treatment with CL-316,243 tor vehicle

From: The beta-3 adrenergic agonist (CL-316,243) restores the expression of down-regulated fatty acid oxidation genes in type 2 diabetic mice


WT vehicle

WT CL-316,243

MKR vehicle

MKR CL-316,243



2 weeks


2 weeks


2 weeks


2 weeks

Body weight (g)

27.95 (0.93)

28.47 (1.13)

28.03 (0.48)

27.15 (0.55)

23.97 (1.07)a

24.19 (0.63)

22.15 (0.59)

22.16 (0.23)

Blood glucose (mg/dL)

146.43 (2.89)

157.29 (6.71)

152.75 (5.55)

184.88 (10.28)

387.60 (52.33)a

380.80 (24.37)

335.40 (36.10)

226.20 (16.23)b

Body fat (%)

14.02 (1.26)

12.83 (1.36)

12.58 (0.92)

6.41 (0.51)c

11.28 (0.71)

11.00 (1.07)

12.45 (0.77)

4.46 (0.40)b

Serum TG (mmol/L)


2.29 (0.06)


1.62 (0.03)d


4.90 (0.10)e


3.77 (0.04)f

Plasma insulin (ng/ml)


1.50 (0.97)


0.82 (0.51)


8.58 (3.85)e


0.80 (0.28)f

  1. Metabolic parameters from wild type (WT) and MKR mice at baseline and after 2 weeks of treatment with CL-316,243. Data in table are means of each group and SEM in parenthesis. One Way ANOVA analysis and Tukey-Kramer post-hoc significance test was performed, assuming a significance level of 5%. The following differences in the group means were found: aMKR Vehicle Baseline vs WT Vehicle Baseline; bMKR CL-316,243 2 weeks vs MKR CL-316,243 Baseline; cWT CL-316,243 2 weeks vs WT CL-316,243 Baseline; dWT CL-316,243 2 weeks vs WT Vehicle 2 weeks; eMKR Vehicle 2 weeks vs WT Vehicle 2 weeks; fMKR CL-316,243 2 weeks vs MKR Vehicle 2 weeks.