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Table 2 Baseline dietary intakes of the study participants across tertiles of ultra-processed food consumption

From: Higher ultra-processed food intake is associated with an increased incidence risk of cardiovascular disease: the Tehran lipid and glucose study

Dietary intakes

Total (n = 2050)

Tertiles of UPF

T1 (n = 683)

27.10–59.29 (39.16 g/d)

T2 (n = 684)

59.36–105.01 (80.97 g/d)

T3 (n = 683)

105.03–175.30 (145.63 g/d)

Ultra-processed food subgroups

 Breads (g/week)

22.86 (7.49–68.6)

10.89 (0.00–23.49)

24.10 (11.73–68.6)

46.68 (22.86–100)

 Salty snacks (g/week)

10.21 (1.02–34.86)

1.96 (0.00–8.16)

11.69 (2.10–33.83)

33.97 (11.76–87.5)

 Fast foods (g/week)

72.4 (34.72–136)

34.12 (14.00–64.6)

77.1 (45.07–134)

124 (73.9–191)

 Sweetened beverages (mL/week)

65.3 (10.71–228)

10.73 (0.00–65.3)

65.3 (21.43–137)

280 (65.3–560)

 Sweets and desserts (g/week)

119 (60.8–211)

63.1 (29.89–107)

125.7 (70.5–199)

204 (126–287)

 Dairy products (g/week)

65.2 (19.81–147)

19.83 (6.51–53.4)

75.0 (28.00–130)

147 (60.0–290)

 Other UPF (g/week)

19.20 (7.00–48.00)

7.70 (2.58–19.20)

21.49 (7.70–47.98)

34.20 (17.73–71.7)

Total energy intake (kcal/day)

2309 ± 796

1987 ± 664

2264 ± 720

2675 ± 839

Total protein intake (% energy)

13.67 ± 2.17

14.19 ± 2.29

13.67 ± 2.16

13.14 ± 1.9

Total carbohydrate intake (% energy)

57.77 ± 6.67

59.36 ± 6.68

57.67 ± 6.62

56.29 ± 635

Total fat intake (% energy)

30.72 ± 6.02

30.69 ± 6.27

30.80 ± 6.19

30.66 ± 5.58

Total cholesterol intake (g/1000 kcal)

93.67 ± 31.12

89.81 ± 30.58

95.71 ± 32.99

95.47 ± 29.38

Saturated fat intake (g/1000 kcal)

11.25 ± 2.77

11.19 ± 3.07

11.28 ± 2.71

11.29 ± 2.49

Total fiber intake (g/1000 kcal)

16.67 ± 5.49

17.91 ± 5.80

16.57 ± 5.46

15.53 ± 4.93

  1. Data are median (Interquartile range) or mean ± SD