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Fig. 3 | Nutrition & Metabolism

Fig. 3

From: Exploration of vitamin D metabolic activity-related biological effects and corresponding therapeutic targets in prostate cancer

Fig. 3

Construction of the prognostic model related to vitamin D metabolic activity. A: LASSO regression analysis of genes related to vitamin D metabolic activity. B: Optimal penalty parameter λ (0.02) identified by tenfold cross-validation. C: The Kaplan-Meier curves of disease-free survival of patients in the high- and low-risk groups, and log-rank test was to compare the difference in prognosis between the two groups. D: ROC curves of 1,3,5 years for the prognostic model related to vitamin D metabolic activity. E: Violin diagrams of the risk scores in different subgroups. The risk scores of different groups were compared by group T test. F: The scatter plot of the patient’s survival time (top) and the distribution of risk scores estimated by the prognostic model (bottom). G: The Sankey diagram exhibits the distribution of enrolled patients in clustering, vitamin D metabolic activity, and risk grouping. The nodes represented different classifications, and the width of nodes and traffic represented the number of patients. PSA: prostate-specific antigen

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