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Table 2 Summary of the effects of nicotine on performance

From: The effects of caffeine, nicotine, ethanol, and tetrahydrocannabinol on exercise performance


WADA status: in order to detect potential patterns of abuse, nicotine has been placed on WADA’s 2012 monitoring program

Acute effect

Effect on performance

Nicotine dose


Likely delayed development of (central) fatigue by nicotine receptor activation and/or dopaminergic pathways; no evidence of altered substrate metabolism or cardiorespiratory effects

17% improvement in time to exhaustion

7 mg nicotine patch per 24 hours

Mundel et al. [93]

No mechanism proposed

No effect on anaerobic performance (Wingate test)

nicotine gum

Meier [94]


Improvement in the degree in a real-life motor task, i.e. handwriting (more pronounced in smokers than non-smokers)

2 and (4 mg) nicotine gum

Tucha et al. [95]

No mechanism proposed

No effect on cognitive functioning

2 and 4 mg nicotine gum

Heishman et al. [96]

No mechanism proposed

No effect on speed and accuracy of motor activity among non-smokers (but improvements in smokers)

2 and 4 mg nicotine gum

Hindmarch et al. [97]

Likely by the action of nicotine on cholinergic pathways

Positive effects on fine motor abilities like finger tapping

2 mg intranasal

West et al. [98]