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Figure 5 | Nutrition & Metabolism

Figure 5

From: Dietary cholesterol, female gender and n-3 fatty acid deficiency are more important factors in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease than the saturation index of the fat

Figure 5

Presence and distribution of macrophages and neutrophils in the liver. Panels A and B: Cd68-positive macrophages in APOE2ki mice on the low-fat OO diet without cholesterol (A) or on high-fat OO diet with cholesterol (B). Insets show high-power magnifications of stained macrophages. Panels C and D: Cd11b-positive macrophages in a WT male liver (C; no macrophage activation) and a male APOE2ki liver (D; grade-2 macrophage activation) on the high-fat olive oil diet. Macrophage activation based on the presence of Cd11b-positive cells in the livers of animals of the respective experimental and control groups was graded on a scale of 0 to 3 (see additional file 2, table S2: Cd11b-scoring criteria). The circle indentifies a cluster of activated macrophages. Panels E and F: Mpo-positive cells in livers assigned a grade 3 for Cd11b-positive macrophages (E: without Mpo-positive cells; F: with Mpo-positive cells). Panel G: Median values of macrophage activation in each of the groups are indicated by diamonds (male) and circles (female mice) (red: WT, blue: APOE2ki). The error bars represent the first and third quartiles of each group. When not drawn, a quartile coincides with the median. Bars: 100 μm. Different letters indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the diets within male or female APOE2ki mice. GT: genotype; n.s.: non significant.

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