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Figure 1 | Nutrition & Metabolism

Figure 1

From: Treatment of human muscle cells with popular dietary supplements increase mitochondrial function and metabolic rate

Figure 1

Group mean PGC-1α RNA and protein expression ±SD. A- Relative induction of PGC-1α RNA following treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma cells with OEP or CHD at 90 μg/ml (High) or 45 μg/ml (Low) for 12 hours compared with ethanol control (control =1). B- Relative induction of PGC-1α RNA following similar treatment for 24 hours. C- Immunofluorescent quantification of PGC-1α protein expression from confocal microscopy in (D) using 7 cells per treatment (n = 7) following treatment with OEP or CHD at 90 μg/ml (High) for 24 hours compared with ethanol control. D- Confocal microscopy of PGC-1α protein expression of cells treated as described above for 24 hours. NOTES: Dapi nuclear stain (blue), PGC-1α protein (red), and green line represents 50 μm. * indicates p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01 and *** indicates p < 0.001.

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