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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Whole-body net protein balance plateaus in response to increasing protein intakes during post-exercise recovery in adults and adolescents


M (n = 7)a

F (n = 6)a

AM (n = 7)

AF (n = 7)

Age (y)

23 ± 1a

21 ± 1a

14 ± 1b

12 ± 1b

Weight (kg)

82 ± 6a

69 ± 4b

57 ± 6c

52 ± 10c

FFM (kg)

71 ± 6a

54 ± 3b

49 ± 7b,c

42 ± 9c

VO2max (ml O2·kg− 1·min− 1)

52 ± 6*

47 ± 1

54 ± 2*

48 ± 2

Daily EE (kcal·kg− 1·d− 1)

52 ± 4a

39 ± 2b

50 ± 7a

40 ± 6b

  1. Participant data are mean ± SD and were analyzed using a two-way (age × sex) ANOVA
  2. Different superscript letters denote significant between-group differences (all, P < 0.05); * denotes main effect of sex (P < 0.01)
  3. aPreviously published subject data [26, 27]
  4. AF adolescent females, AM adolescent males, EE energy expenditure, F adult females, FFM fat-free mass, M adult males, VO2max maximal oxygen uptake