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Archived Comments for: Retraction Note: Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review

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  1. “Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review”. The other side of an alleged plagiarism story

    Antonino Bianco, University of Palermo

    1 October 2014

    “Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review”. The other side of an alleged plagiarism story


    On June 6, 2014 the article entitled “Alcohol consumption and hormonalalterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review” was accepted by the scientific journal “Nutrition and Metabolism”. What a great day for our research team, our review that tried to elucidate the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption was finally on-line. Unfortunately we didn’t know, and could not imagine, that was the beginning of an ordeal of injustice..... please visit the following link


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